4 marca 2014

Jamie's Pancake Cake. [ENG]

Today's Pancake Day so I have something special for you :) Jamie's Pancake Cake :D - perfect for someone who hasn't oven or doesn't know how to  bake :P 

Preparation doesn't take as much time as you might think - an hour should enough ( last minute cake :D).

* 3 cups self-raising flour, 
* 3 cups milk, 
* 3 large eggs, 
* salt 
* olive oil, 
* 150 g dark chocolate (minimum 70% cocoa), plus some for decoration, broken, 
* 50 g unsalted butter, cubed, 
* 180 g hazelnuts and Brazil nuts, toasted, 
* 600 ml double cream, 
* 1 tbsp vanilla extract, 
* 1.5 tbsp golden caster sugar,



In a bowl mix until smooth flour, eggs, milk and pinch of salt. 
In a small non-stick pan heat small splash olive oil then wipe with a kitchen paper. 
When the pan is hot pour good portion of butter tilting pan to  spread, and cook for about 3 minutes on each side, until lightly golden. 
Set aside. 
Repeat until you've use all the batter.

Chocolate mass

Melt crushed chocolate, butter and a pinch of salt in a heatproof bowl over a pan of gently simmering water. 
Meantime smash nuts. You can use blender or pestle and a clean tea towel. 
Melted chocolate mix well with 200 ml of double cream and a handful of crushed nuts. 

Cream mass. 

Whisk remaining cream (400 ml) with vanilla extract and sugar until thick. 
Keep some cream back for spread top and side of cake. 

Prepare the cake. 

On a plate or board spread a little cream pop a pancake and press gently. 
Then spread some chocolate over pancake and top with another pancake. 
Keep doing this, alternating between cream and chocolate, until you've used all pancakes. 
Spread reaming  cream to top and sides with  spatula or long knife and tidy up the edges.
Sprinkle sides and top with remaining nuts, pour top  with melted chocolate or scrape over few gratings of chocolate. 

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